The 5th Induction Training for Heads of AFRIPOL National Liaison Offices, 24-25 November 2019, Algiers-Algeria
The AFRIPOL Secretariat organized the Fifth Induction Training for the Heads of AFRIPOL National Liaison Offices (NLOs), from 24-25 November 2019, at the AFRIPOL Headquarters in Algiers, Algeria. The training targeted Six (6) African Union Member States, they include the following: Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe. Dr. Tarek A. Sharif, the Executive Director of AFRIPOL opened the training.
The main objective of training is to offer the participating countries the opportunity to receive an induction on the key tasks and responsibilities of AFRIPOL NLOs. It will also give the participants an overview of mission and the tasks associated with AFRIPOL NLOs. Participants will receive theoretical and practical exercises on the functions and the operation of the African Police Communication System (AFSECOM) equipment.
The African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL) Holds the First Meeting of the Heads of its National Liaison Offices
Algiers, Algeria – 28 November 2019: The African Union Mechanism for police cooperation (AFRIPOL) Secretariat held the first meeting for the Heads of its National Liaison Offices, in Algiers, Algeria, from 26-28 November 2019. The meeting enabled to clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the AFRIPOL National Liaison Offices in facilitating the implementation of AFRIPOL activities at national level. Participants also received an update on the AFRIPOL Five-year strategic work plan (2020-2024) and the Regulations of the African Police Communication System (AFSECOM) communication system, as adopted by the Third General Assembly of AFRIPOL that was held from 2 to 3 October 2019, in Algiers, Algeria.
The meeting was opened by His Excellency Khelifa Ounissi, the Director General for National Security of Algeria, in his capacity as President of the AFRIPOL General Assembly. He stressed the need for enhanced police cooperation in the continent, the need to empower police agencies in the continent through training and capacity building in order to equip them with skills to effectively fight transnational organized crime and terrorism, which are a major security challenge to the continent. The Executive Director of the AFRIPOL Secretariat, Dr. Tarek A. Sharif, on his part, highlighted the role that AFRIPOL is expected to play in enhancing cooperation among the police agencies in the continent in the fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism.
Participants came up with concrete recommendations on improving communication and sharing of information and data at national, regional and international levels, and on modalities for coordinated and targeted capacity building. The AFRIPOL Secretariat will continue to work with partners to support the police agencies of the member states on enhanced cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and terrorism.
The African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL) Holds the First Coordination meeting with RECs/RMs
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 4 December 2019: The African Union Mechanism for police cooperation (AFRIPOL) Secretariat held the first coordination meeting with the RECs/RMs, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3-4 December 2019. The meeting was the first of its kind, which enabled the RECs/RMs to exchange views on how best the RECs/RMs can play in enhancing cooperation and coordination between the regions and AFRIPOL in combating transnational organized crime.
The meeting was opened by Dr. Tarek A. Sharif, the Executive Director of AFRIPOL. He stressed that the RECs and RMs have an important role to play to support AFRIPOL. He also noted that they are vital stakeholders within the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) to counter the threats of transnational organized crime at the sub-regional levels with Member States and the regional police chief’s cooperation organization. Mr Amadou Diongue, as Acting Director of the Peace and Security Department of the African Union Commission, highlighted the role that the RECs/RMs are expected to play in enhancing cooperation among the police agencies in the continent in the fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism.
Participants came up with a number of solid recommendations, identified priority areas and strategies to better prevent and fight against emerging transnational organized crime in the continent and beyond.
The AFRIPOL Secretariat hosted and organized the Fourth Induction Training of the AFRIPOL National Liaison Offices (NLOs), held from 26-27 June 2019 in Algiers, Algeria.
The training targeted seven (6) Member States of the African Union, they include the following: Chad, Gabon, Liberia, Morocco, Tanzania and Republic of Congo.
The main objective of the training was to introduce the participants to their key tasks and responsibilities, as AFRIPOL NLOs. Participants received theoretical and practical exercises on the functions and operation of the African Police Communication System (AFSECOM) equipment.