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Declare a suspicious activity in your city/country/region. By reporting crimes that occur in your community you can help the police and the judicial system combat crime. Our secured form will ensure that your information is safeguarded.
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- Category: About
AFRIPOL carries out a variety of activities to strengthen its network and support member countries in the fight against various type of crimes.
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- Category: About
The Peace and Security Department (PSD) of the Commission of the African Union (AU) provides support to efforts aimed at promoting peace, security and stability on the continent.
The mandate of the PSD is to support the Peace and Security Council in carrying out its responsibilities as provided for under the protocol relating to the establishment of the AU Peace and Security Council (PSC). The other aspect of the mandate of the PSD is to support the Commission in its activities, which are aimed at supporting the promotion of peace, security and stability in Africa.
- Implementation of the Common African Defence and Security Policy (CADSP) - click here to view the document;
- Operationalization of the Continental Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) as articulated by the Protocol relating to the establishment of the AU PSC, including the Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) and the African Standby Force (ASF);
- Support to efforts to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts;
- Promotion of programmes for the structural prevention of conflicts, including through the implementation of the AU Border Programme (AUBP);
Implementation of the AU’s Policy Framework on Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD); and - Coordination, harmonization and promotion of peace and security programmes in Africa, including with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs)/Regional Mechanisms (RMs) for conflict prevention, management and resolution, the United Nations (UN) and other relevant international organisations (IOs) and partners.
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- Written by Super User
- Category: About
Membership of AFRIPOL is open to all Intelligence and Security Services of African countries

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- Written by Super User
- Category: About
Find essential documents and meeting records. Given that policing forms a fundamental domain of state sovereignty, AFRIPOL's cross-border activities can only be possible if the Organization acts as a subject of international law.