Join Us for the AFRIPOL Virtual Cybercrime Awareness Day – June 27, 2024

27/06/2024 27/06/2024

AFRIPOL invites you to participate in the virtual Cybercrime Awareness Day, taking place on June 27, 2024.

This event is specifically designed for cybercrime investigators, IT and communication technology officers, and criminal intelligence officers, providing a rich platform for information and exchange.

Experts from AFRIPOL, INTERPOL, UNODC, GROUP-IB, Kaspersky, Trend MICRO, Uppsala Security, and other partners will lead sessions to educate police forces on emerging risks and new trends in cybercrime. An updated map of the evolution of this form of crime in Africa will also be presented.

Member states of the African Union are invited to designate two participants per country for this virtual event. Representatives are requested to complete and return the registration form provided by the AFRIPOL secretariat. The  female officers’s participation is strongly encouraged.

Let’s strengthen our collective capabilities to combat cybercrime!

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