Dr Tarek Sharif, Executive…
Today marks the end of Dr. Tarek A. Sharif's mandate as AFRIPOL Executive Director. The AFRIPOL team wishes to convey their sincere thanks to Dr. Sharif accomplishment with AFRIPOL and the contribution he made to the African Union over the…
Lire la suiteAFRIPOL Organizes Meeting on…
Zoom Meeting
The meeting was organized to understand the regional variation of the concept and to develop a common African approach on Community Policing. The meeting also endorsed AFRIPOL's strategy on Community Policing. During the meeting, Dr. Sharif, the Executive Director of…
Lire la suite4th Meeting of AFRIPOL…
Zoom Meeting
AFRIPOL Executive Director, Dr Tarek Sharif welcomes the holding of the Fourth meeting of AFRIPOL Working Group on Cybercrime. The meeting was held to evaluate the nature of cyber threats to enhance cooperation against cybercrime.
Lire la suiteMeeting for Heads of…
Zoom Meeting
Dr. Tarek Sharif, Executive Director of AFRIPOL, organizes a virtual meeting for the Heads of AFRIPOL National Liaison Offices (NLOs) from North Africa Region. The meeting highlighted key crimes, terrorism and cybercrime trends facing law enforcement agencies in the region.…
Lire la suite6th Meeting of the…
Zoom Meeting
AFRIPOL holds the Sixth Steering Committee meeting virtually over Zoom was held on 25 June 2020. The meeting was opened by the Steering Committee Chair H.E. Mr. Khelifa Ounissi. Subsequently, the Exective Director of AFRIPOL - Dr. Tarek Sharif highlighted…
Lire la suiteINTERPOL Organizes Virtual Meeting…
Zoom Meeting