In order to strengthen their cooperation in the area of preventing and combatting transnational organized crime, terrorism, and cybercrime, delegations from AFRIPOL and INTERPOL met at INTERPOL Headquarters in Lyon, France from 8-15 March 2023.
The meeting was an opportunity for legal experts from both institutions to examine and review the draft AFSECOM regulations with the aim of its submission for consideration to the appropriate decision-making structures. Both delegations examined as well the progress made and lessons learned from phase one of the ISPA project (INTERPOL Support Programme for the African Union, in relation to AFRIPOL) for the period 2020 to 2023, as well as planned for the second phase that will cover the period of 2023-2026.
Taking advantage of this meeting, the head of delegation of AFRIPOL Dr Mohamed Benaired paid a courtesy visit to the Director of Counter-Terrorism of INTERPOL. The two sides raised common areas of interest, mainly preventing and fighting terrorism and organized crimes, and the need to enhanced cooperation in this area.