AFRIPOL Endorses Mubita Nawa for INTERPOL Secretary General 2024: Now is the Time for Africa! 🌍

The African Union Mechanism for police Cooperation (AFRIPOL) is proud to officially endorse the candidacy of Mr. Mubita Nawa of Zambia for the esteemed position of INTERPOL Secretary General in 2024. Now, more than ever, is the time for Africa to take its rightful place on the global stage. Mr. Nawa’s distinguished career in law enforcement, unwavering commitment to international cooperation, and visionary approach to global security make him uniquely qualified to lead INTERPOL into a new era of innovation and collaboration.

Mr. Nawa’s extensive experience in combating transnational crime, his dedication to justice, and his strategic leadership skills make him an exemplary candidate for this pivotal role. As the Africa faces evolving security challenges, we are confident that Mr. Nawa’s leadership will not only enhance INTERPOL’s effectiveness but also foster stronger partnerships among member countries.

🔹 Why Mubita Nawa?

– Proven Leadership: With years of service in various law enforcement capacities, Mr. Nawa has demonstrated exceptional leadership and a deep understanding of international security dynamics.
–  Global Vision: Mr. Nawa is committed to strengthening global cooperation, ensuring that INTERPOL remains a cornerstone of international peace and security.
– Innovative Approach: He advocates for modernizing INTERPOL’s operations through technology and innovative practices, making the organization more agile and responsive to emerging threats.

Now is the time for Africa to shine on the global stage. By endorsing Mr. Nawa, we are confident that his leadership will bring about a more secure, connected, and resilient global community. We urge all member states to support his candidacy and join us in paving the way for a safer world.

Together, let’s build a future where justice prevails and security is a shared responsibility. Now is the time for Africa!

#MubitaNawaForINTERPOL #INTERPOL2024 #GlobalSecurity #AFRIPOL #SADC #Leadership #InternationalCooperation #VoteForChange #AfricaRising

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