5th AFRIPOL NLOs meeting: Strengthening police cooperation across Africa

The 5th meeting of the AFRIPOL National Liaison Bureaus (NLOs) is taking place in Algiers, Algeria, from 1 to 3 July 2024, marking an important milestone in the ongoing efforts of the African Union Police Cooperation Mechanism (AFRIPOL).


Forty-eight (48) heads and experts from the police agencies of the NLOs of the African Union Member States attended this important annual event, alongside African and international partners such as the African Union Terrorism Research Centre, PAPS, INTERPOL, GIZ, UNODC, FRONTEX and GROUP IB. The meeting serves as an essential platform for in-depth discussions, knowledge exchange and the formulation of collaborative approaches to addressing common security challenges and is an opportunity to explore innovative strategies for improving policing across Africa.


Dr Resila Atieno Onyango, Assistant Inspector General of the Kenya National Police, who chaired the meeting, said that ‘the 5th AFRIPOL National Liaison Officers meeting in Algiers underlines our collective commitment to advancing police cooperation in Africa’. She added that ‘by fostering stronger collaboration and innovation, we aim to develop more effective frameworks for combating transnational crime and ensuring the safety of our communities.’


This event not only strengthens the ties between African Union Member States and international partners, but also charts the course towards a safer and more resilient Africa. It highlights the crucial role of collective action in resolving regional security issues and promoting stability on the continent.

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