29 مارس، 2023

4th Session of the AFRIPOL Network of Excellence in Forensics/Training of Trainers on Document Fraud, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-17 March 2023

The 4th Training of Trainers Session on Document Fraud, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from March 13-17, 2023, was a five-day intensive program that provided practical and operational training to officials from thirteen African Union member states. The training focused on a range of issues, such as verification of travel documents, residency documents, bank cards, banknotes, …

4th Session of the AFRIPOL Network of Excellence in Forensics/Training of Trainers on Document Fraud, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-17 March 2023 قراءة المزيد »

AFRIPOL-INTERPOL meeting in Lyon, France,8-15 March 2023

In order to strengthen their cooperation in the area of preventing and combatting transnational organized crime, terrorism, and cybercrime, delegations from AFRIPOL and INTERPOL met at INTERPOL Headquarters in Lyon, France from 8-15 March 2023. The meeting was an opportunity for legal experts from both institutions to examine and review the draft AFSECOM regulations with the …

AFRIPOL-INTERPOL meeting in Lyon, France,8-15 March 2023 قراءة المزيد »

AFRIPOL visit to EAPCCO CT CoE in Nairobi 23 Feb 2023

AFRIPOL Delegation led by ambassador Jalel Chelba paid a working visit to EAPCCO (Eastern Africa police chiefs cooperation organization), CT (Counter terrorism), CoE (Center of Excellence) in Nairobi to discuss areas of collaboration & ensure building the capacity of law enforcement officers within the Region and beyond, to help African Union Member Countries in fighting transnational …

AFRIPOL visit to EAPCCO CT CoE in Nairobi 23 Feb 2023 قراءة المزيد »

The First AFRIPOL’s cross-border Operation Workshop, 21-22 November 2022, in Algiers.

In order to strengthen capacities of police agencies of African Union member states on border management and cooperation in prevention and fight against cross-border crime, AFRIPOL organized planning workshop for 1st AFRIPOL’s cross-border operation, 21-22 November 2022, in Algiers. The cross-border operation workshop was attended by representatives from Member States, CAPCCO (Central African police chiefs …

The First AFRIPOL’s cross-border Operation Workshop, 21-22 November 2022, in Algiers. قراءة المزيد »

Visit of PAP delegation to AFRIPOL HQ on 27 October, 2022

A high-level Pan-African Parliament Delegation led by its President H.E. Chief Fortune Z. Charumbira visited AFRIPOL headquarters. During this occasion, leaders of both AU institutions explored the areas of synergies and cooperation in order to address issues of security and peace on the continent. Members of the PAP were called upon to advocate for the ratification of …

Visit of PAP delegation to AFRIPOL HQ on 27 October, 2022 قراءة المزيد »

High-level expert meeting on Document Fraud and Biometrics

On 18 October 2022 started the high-level expert meeting on Document Fraud and Biometrics (facial comparisons) at the AFRIPOL HQ to build and strengthen the capacities of African Union law enforcement agencies in these fields of expertise. The meeting is organized in partnership with the GermanFederal Police. For the first time, a joint African harmonized …

High-level expert meeting on Document Fraud and Biometrics قراءة المزيد »

The First AFRIPOL’s cross-border operation Workshop, in Algiers.

In order to strengthen capacities of police agencies of African Union member states on border management and cooperation in prevention and fight against cross-border crime, AFRIPOL organized planning workshop for 1st AFRIPOL’s cross-border operation, 21-22 November 2022, in Algiers. The cross-border operation workshop was attended by representatives from Member States, CAPCCO (Central African police chiefs …

The First AFRIPOL’s cross-border operation Workshop, in Algiers. قراءة المزيد »